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Isagenix has changed my life... It has given me my life back, and I am forever grateful!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Anne Brown's Story

If you tried to tell me that a weight loss program could be a TOTAL BLAST, I would have punched you in the nose! Seriously!

I was miserable. I was actually heavier than pictured here, but I avoided the cameras at all costs. I felt old and horrible. I had given up and planned to buy more size 20 clothes, fearing I would actually require size 22's.

Then my brother called to tell me about this "Nutritional Cleanse" and how people were losing weight and getting healthy. I had already done a couple of cleanses, more correctly, I had already SURVIVED a couple of cleanses --- and not lost an ounce. In fact, I had been on a diet for almost 50 years and failed every day. I had had enough! I did not want to hear about this plan. I did not want to hear about people losing weight. I hated people who could lose weight! And I definitely did not want to ignite, even a flicker of hope, that I could drop as little as a pound.

Somehow I found myself giving my brother my credit card number and a couple of days later my President's Pack arrived. I did not weigh myself. I did not measure. I did not use the product correctly. I just drank a couple of shakes a day for a few days. And I began to shrink!

I was shocked. This was FUN! Suddenly I was willing to use the product correctly. Amazingly, inches melt away, lean muscle is increased, toxins were released and fat was release along with them.

I lost 4 pants sizes - I gave away my 20's, my 18's, my 16's and today I am packing up my 14's (actually, I am considering burning them!) I fit COMFORTABLY in my 12's with my eye on size 6. My body is entirely different! I no longer walk the "fat woman's walk". You know, where you have to lean to the side and half throw/half swing your legs forward since you don't have enough muscle to move those "thunder thighs" without first generating momentum. I don't support the local 7-11 store with a $10 donation a day. And I am not ashamed to be seen eating food in public.

For me it has been a little slower than for most people. I did not drop 10 pounds in the first 9 days or 20 inches in a month or even the "average" 8 pounds per month. But I lost something every month. There were months I only lost 3 pounds and a couple months that I didn't lose any weight. But I keep shrinking.

This is so easy. It is so fun! I feel better, stronger and balanced. And I am grateful. With all my heart I am thankful my brother called me that day. I am thrilled that I said yes. Isagenix is everything they claim it to be. It is a wonderful Nutritional Cleanse and fabulous health program. But to me, personally, it is hope, freedom and self respect ---- and a BLAST!


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